Florida New Build Homes
Find Florida new build homes for sale. 我们专注于施工前的家园, 新建住宅和存货待售房屋在佛罗里达州. We represent you and not the builder when buying new build homes.
It will cost you nothing to have us work for you as independent representation.
Did you know that builders have several sales prices in each development? 请点击这里了解更多,,en,请点击这里了解更多,,en,请点击这里了解更多,,en,请点击这里了解更多,,en,请点击这里了解更多,,en,请点击这里了解更多,,en,请点击这里了解更多,,en,请点击这里了解更多,,en
These prices increase over time. 最便宜的佛罗里达州新建造房屋总是首先在售前,售中可供,,en,类型佛罗里达新建住宅的购买,,en,搜索按地区佛罗里达州新家园建设,,en,了解差异 - 佛罗里达新建的家园,,en,主家的集合坐落在冠军门的原始高尔夫社区刚,,en,最便宜的佛罗里达州新建造房屋总是首先在售前,售中可供,,en,类型佛罗里达新建住宅的购买,,en,搜索按地区佛罗里达州新家园建设,,en.
As homes are sold, prices increase, with inventory homes always a little more expensive because they are ready to buy immediately. The good news is that builders typically price their homes at a lower price to the resale market, so you get a great deal anyway. They can afford to do this because they build and sell in volume. Earlier buyers often achieve excellent profits and equity increases by buying a new home when it is first released.
有 3 types of Florida new build homes to purchase

Due to the demand for new homes in Florida, we are unable to display many of the homes prices. This is because many of the builders are changing them on such a regular basis and we cannot keep up. When you have an interest in one or more of the communities please contact us and we will get you the current prices. Please be aware that these prices re prone to change very quickly.
A growing of our builders are currently offering some great incentives for buyers and some of these include some heavily reduced mortgage options. 与我们联系.
Ťake a look at the latest Disney new homes and communities in the Disney area, 佛罗里达. 有一些优秀的原因,为什么迪斯尼新居是在这样的需求. Home to the best theme parks in the world, countless stunning golf courses, great shopping, 在每一个角落的世界一流美食. 奥兰多的迪斯尼面积与新开工社区爆炸.

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Search for Florida new build homes by region

目前活跃在地区标 *
新 建 家在佛罗里达州中部 *
Central Florida is the family playground of the world. 著名的主题公园和娱乐景点, Orlando is on the move. New upmarket resort communities are now in high demand. 佛罗里达州中部的吸引 80 每年这意味着它的质量出租物业恒定的需求加上住宅物业需求巨大万人次. 现在大牌像宾尼法利纳和吉米自助正进入奥兰多房地产市场和永远改变景观.
The Orlando metro area is the third fastest growing in the U.S.
Orlando offers resources for startups and tech professionals through its Orlando tech hub. Professionals can find peer networking, professional development, and other career opportunities. Startups can also recruit workers by posting jobs and showcasing innovation in the industry. Some tech companies in Orlando include Highforge and SkyWater.
Tech Industry Job Growth: 26.8%
New vacation homes near 迪斯尼 which can be rented out
All New build homes by town:
阿尔塔蒙特斯普林斯, 阿波普卡, 鲍德温公园, 庆典, 克莱蒙, 长椅, 迪斯尼 菲利普斯博士, 金橡树, 哥达, 基西米, 莱克兰, 玛丽湖, 诺娜湖, 山多拉, 奥科伊, 奥兰多, 桑福德, 圣. 云, 温德米尔, 冬季花园, 冬季公园
New build homes in West Central Florida *
From north of Tampa to south of Sarasota the west central Florida region attracts tourists from around the world. It is also a hot-spot for retirees from out of state and a growing number of families who want to live by the beach.
All New homes by town:
安娜玛丽亚岛, 布雷登顿, 布兰登, 克利尔沃特, 印度海岸, 克伍德兰奇, 蓝多湖, 龙布凯, 博格新港口, 新坦帕, 鱼鹰, 萨拉索塔, 西耶斯塔, 圣. 圣彼得堡, 坦帕湾, 塔彭斯普林斯, 威尼斯, 韦斯利礼拜堂
新 建 房屋在佛罗里达州西南部 *
Southwest Florida is a mecca for beach lovers, boat owners, golfers, the discretely wealthy and families. Beautiful islands of Sanibel and Captiva are like a step back in time whilst Fort Myers Beach is the epitome of beach life + 音乐. Further south Bonita and Naples is country club and high-rise luxury territory, cherished by those who like a quiet life.
All New build homes by town:
博尼塔温泉, 珊瑚角, 恩格尔伍德, 国外, 迈尔斯堡, 马可岛, 那不勒斯, 夏洛特港, 萨尼伯尔
新 建 房屋在佛罗里达州东南部
Beautiful Atlantic beaches and great access to major airports are key points in this traditional area of Florida. Beautiful homes and country club resorts are the norm, especially if you are not a boat owner.
All New build homes by town:
博卡拉顿, 博因顿海滩, 朱诺海滩, 木星, 墨尔本, 棕榈滩, 棕榈湾, 圣港. 露西, 塞巴斯蒂安, 斯图亚特, 维罗海滩, 西棕榈滩
新 建 家在南佛罗里达州 *
Glamor, glitz and bright lights surround the towering condos of glass in the downtown areas of Miami and Miami Beach. Try a little harder though and you will still find some chic neighborhoods which are a little quieter.
All New build homes by town:
冒险, 巴尔港群岛, 比斯坎, 布里克尔, 椰林, 科勒尔盖布尔斯, 德拉海滩, 劳德代尔堡, 哈伦代尔, 好莱坞, 迈阿密, 迈阿密滩, 鲳参海滩, 南海滩, 阳光岛海滩, 佛罗里达群岛
The Florida Panhandle boasts an array of barrier islands and beautiful beaches. If you prefer your winter months a little cooler, this area could be for you
All New build homes by town:
阿巴拉契科拉, 命运, 沃尔顿堡, 巴拿马
城市, 彭萨科拉, 圣罗莎海滩
新 建 家在北佛罗里达州中部
This is university and college territory where traditional towns merge with natural ruralism.
All New build homes by town:
雪松的关键, 盖恩斯维尔. 现场橡树, 奥卡拉, 塔拉哈西
新 建 房屋在佛罗里达州东北部
The most northern of the Florida beaches on the east coast are a huge attraction. Jacksonville is a booming commercial city, whilst St. Augustine remains a traditional beachside town.
All New build homes by town:
阿米莉亚岛, 弗拉格勒海滩, 杰克逊维尔, 圣. 奥古斯丁
新 建 院东佛罗里达州中部
可可海滩, 代托纳, 奥卡拉, 新士麦那海滩, 奥蒙德海滩
Understanding the differences – Florida new build homes
Most pre-construction homes are homes purchased off-plan, 经常在施工前已经开始. 通常情况下,土地已选定, 隔离 / 制地图, 牌照已经发放和社区基础设施将到位. 施工前投资者获取可用属性的首选,通常拿起最便宜的价格. 知名开发商受欢迎的地区建设可提供购房机会,把他们的名字一个VIP列表. 对VIP客户的名单将被通知的正式启动前进,能够“摘樱桃”的最佳地段, 以尽可能低的价格平面图和模型.
如果开发人员可, 那么投资者可以做出关于完成了广泛的选择, floor plan layouts and colors. 有可能将是没有样板房和投资者将依靠建筑图纸, 艺术家的插图和图形, 以可视化的属性的最终设计. 施工前住宅的买家可能要等 8-12 月收的财产, 往往较长,如果该属性是一个高层.
新 建设公寓
新 建设公寓
The new construction homes are homes which have already been started by the developer. 价格可以略高和选择范围做出改变可以显著较少取决于如何建造的多已完成.
应该还有一系列的许多选择,如开发商将在同一时间往往建立多个属性,以便他们有库存和表演家. 依赖当你看到在建设财产, 你或许可以在几个月内就关闭属性.
An inventory home is a home which is completed or almost completed but unsold. 一些可以用作模型舍, 而其他可能空置,只是等待买家. 修改库存的家园可以安排与开发商,但可能意味着谈判以更高的价格.
Many developers withhold a few prime lots until the end of a phase as this helps them close out on the community. 一个好的经纪人将能够帮助您在激烈的价格谈判更好的很多. 库存家是随时为您提供在移动. Closing could only take a couple of weeks for cash buyers and those that have pre-arranged finance in place.